Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Still life time!

A piece done for my Advanced Drawing class where we just have to draw a reflective surface. 11x14 with Open Acrylics and illustration board. I wouldve worked on the reflection a little more, except the paper on the board started to buckle, aaaaand that's when I raised my arms and backed off. You win this round, crappy materials!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dig it up oh oh, dig it

So for every hand assignment I've had..I've always wanted to draw a huge middle finger or picking my nose. Since the teacher straight up told us no middle finger allowed, I went for the other option. She wasn't thrilled of course, but warmed up to it after a week or two. So here is my original color study.

And she suggested that I add a background to it, so I kept with the humor element and made it so that everyone on the train would be swooning/pleased that I was diggin' for gold in a public space.

I got a pretty good critique on it, with a few minor things to tweak. But man, printing this out was an ordeal. Damn you technology.

Friday, November 11, 2011

I'm back!

Well it's been over a year since I updated. So here's some art, and hopefully I'll be more active with this blog from now on.

My Fragile Earth piece that got into the school show! I'm pretty happy with this one, which is a rare occasion. I based my piece around the word "Fragile". I thought about who really is the fragile one here: nature or man?

  My message actually went against the entire show's message (which was about human impact on the environment and how we're killing the environment etc.) I didn't see it that way. Humans are the fragile ones here, whereas animals and plants learn to adapt. The resilience of nature!

 Almost forgot about this one. While I was contemplating about going into medical illustration I wanted to try combining conceptual and medical subjects. Tough battle but the conceptual side won with the allure of allowing my derpy and fuzzy style~

 I had fun doing this piece though, maybe I'll enter it in a future show if I don't hate it by then!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I wanted to try and coax out my art side. It's been hiding in a cave ever since I got out of schoool.

I cant seem to do traditional art lately. Me and acrylic. We're over. Also Im totally excited on getting a cat this september. Woo ahhhh

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I've been in such a blah mood lately but I felt inspired to draw some kind of dark/twisted feminine form because that makes so much sense riiight?? Anyways I hid the layer with the flat opaque color and thought the result looked pretty neat. Take a guess at what the red things are!

Thoughts? Concerns? Dont give a shit? ALRIIIGHTY THEN.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

More art, des vieilles images

The awkward cloud one is pretty recent, while the cat one goes back to Winter Break.


Drawn waaay back in first semester during Art History. Im currently in the process of coloring it via photoshop. "currently" = coloring little bits weeks at a time because I'm lazy/ unmotivated. Hooray work ethic!

Oh hay shitty quality because I have no working scanner so I take pictures with my camera!